Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Weekly Menu

So far this week has been delicious. Masaman curry chicken with asparagus stir fry. Whole wheat mango muffins. Greek yogurt blueberry smoothie. Spanish omelet with cilantro and avocado. I think next week I will roll some sushi. Only veggie though as there are seafood allergies in my house. Maybe some turkey meatballs with whole wheat spaghetti. Carribean rice and peas with jerk tofu or chicken. We do not eat a lot of red meat in the house so it is pretty much chicken, turkey and tofu. Lots of veggies and we looooove dessert. Maybe I will make my homemade banana pudding. Or cornbread with chili......


  1. I am trying to make dinner out of a piece of beef jerky and three corn chips...I wish I was at your house!

  2. Oh, how I envy you the time to cook such meals. Your making me hungry. ; )
